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Monday, June 28, 2010

Last wknd - Lake City, Waterski Days

Of course nature targeted Red Wing and Lake City for the highest winds and thunderstorm activity, plus tornado warnings, but my new EZ UP held true and I managed to capture more than a few resemblances. Here are 2 examples, the second was an online caricature order (a memento of fondly recalled good times?).

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Graduation Party

Today I drew at somebody's Graduation Party in Maple Grove.
Took a photo of the one that, to me, turned out the most interesting,
yet, possible, also the least pleasing to the client.

Monday, June 14, 2010

International Bayfest 2010

Here are some examples of folk I drew in a tent next to the Fox River in Green Bay, WI.
The last example is an example of the job hazards of caricaturing outdoors when you are allergic to everything outdoors. Especially biting insects. Still, you know what I always tell 'em, 
"It beats WORKIN' for a livin'! (ha-cha-cha!)"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Back at the drawing board

My studio is up and running again (just in time to load it into the Windstar and take it all on the road again!)! Here is the first online-ordered caricature-in-process of the season. More like a Portrai-cature, really.

and the final result:
